BookTrader displays a lot of information in a small space using colors and numbers.
The market data colors display after BookTrader is armed but before any order is transmitted.
Price Field - Background Colors
The Average Cost (including commissions) is indicated by a highlight across the entire row. You'll only see this if you hold a position in the active contract.
BookTrader Colors |
Possible Color |
Notes |
Status |
Once you transmit an order, the status colors change. See Order Status Colors table below. |
Bid Size |
Indicates the size of the current best bid. |
Indicates that a limit order has been transmitted (by clicking in the field). |
Indicates a stop order has been transmitted (by right-clicking in the field). |
Price |
No color |
One in a range of prices displayed for the contract. |
The current best bid price. |
The current best ask price. |
The price at which the last order executed, and the size of the order. |
The current high price. |
The current low price. |
Ask Size |
Indicates the size of the current best ask. |
Indicates that a limit order has been transmitted (by clicking in the field). |
Indicates a stop order has been transmitted (by right-clicking in the field). |