Add Market Data

When you first open the Classic TWS interface, a sample Quote Monitor displays several sample lines of data. Before you trade an asset, you’ll want to be able to see streaming data for the asset. A market data line represents an individual ticker, and displays the product type, order destination, ask and bid prices, and any other defining attributes. You can add a market data line by typing a symbol directly into the Contract column of the Quote Monitor.

Enter security definitions by entering the exchange contract class or contract symbol in the Contract field. Enter forex pairs using the syntax xxx.yyy in the Contract field.



To add market data to the Quote Monitor

  1. Click in the Contract field in an empty row.
  2. Enter an underlying symbol and press ENTER.
  3. Select an asset type from the picklist on the trading screen.
  4. dateLinesDirected914.jpg


    If you choose Smart as the exchange (rather than selecting Directed and then picking a destination) the market data is aggregated and the default order routing is Smart. From a display perspective, ticker lines that use aggregated Smart data do not display Smart in the data line. TWSwill only show the exchange if you elect to direct route. When you create an order, regardless of the market data selection you can modify the order routing destination on a per-order basis using the Destination field.

Snapshot Quotes

For NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ listed US equity products, clients have the option to either:

a) Subscribe to streaming data - Elect to subscribe to streaming data for one, two or all three listing exchanges at the monthly fee.

b) Use Snapshot quotes - View delayed market data, and only pay for the current NBBO when making a trading decision.

Snapshots are typically used by traders who want to keep costs as low as possible and who only need to know the NBBO (National Best Bid and Offer) for a specific moment to make their trading decisions. Pricing for snapshot quotes is 0.01 USD (or the equivalent) capped at the price of the streaming subscription.

Once the number of snapshot quotes per month equals the cost of a streaming service, clients will be switched to the streaming quote service for the remainder of the calendar month. At the close of the month, the streaming service will terminate and the snapshot counter will be reset. Each listing exchange is capped independently.

Note:  If you use Snapshots, the system will react as if you are trading blind without a valid quote. It will limit the 'speed' tools you can use (like the sliding price ruler) and may require that you submit orders from the order ticket.

Option Selector


  1. In the Contract Selection box, select a contract(s) and click OK. For assets requiring right, expiry and strike price, use the Selector box. In-the-money contracts are highlighted. Use the Smart dropdown to choose a single exchange.

Note:  Notes about Market Data use

For details on market data fees and allocation rules, see the Market Data and News Subscriptions overview on the IB web site.

Note: If you add a market data line for a derivative instrument, will ask if you want the underlying symbol added to the page. If you answer yes, it will be included above its derivative.